
Sääasema aims to be the most precise short-term weather forecast in Finland. It shows automatically the current weather in your location. The map shows for example rain radar layer, air temperatures, wind speed and wind direction.

The service uses constantly updating open weather data from Finnish Meteorological Institute.

  1. 2020-03-02-150624.288218Annotation-2020-03-02-170214.jpg
  2. 2020-03-02-150624.348586Annotation-2020-03-02-165859.jpg
  3. 2020-03-02-150624.392539Annotation-2020-03-02-165932.jpg
  4. 2020-03-02-150624.446412Annotation-2020-03-02-170029.jpg

Additional Info

Showcase website: https://saaasema.com
Author website: https://qumos.com
Published: March 2, 2020, 15:06 (UTC)
Last Updated: September 9, 2022, 12:22 (UTC)