Julia – junaliikenteen havaintojärjestelmä

Julia service is a common diary for all the railway enthusiasts who are interested in spotting trains and knowing more about them.

With Julia, you can, for example,

  • report trains you have spotted and follow other users observations
  • look at statistics about how many trains were on time
  • get to know the rolling stock
  • see the railway network and the trains on a map
  • get real time information about the trains and schedules.

Julia is only available in Finnish but you can, for example, look at the maps even if you don't know a lot of Finnish. You don't have to sign up to use the service.

Open data is used a lot in Julia. The service uses open data from Traficom and Traffic Management Finland.

  1. 2020-04-14-194225.402908juliahavainnot.JPG
  2. 2020-04-14-194225.486613juliajunat.JPG
  3. 2020-04-14-194225.541562juliajuna.JPG

Used datasets

Additional Info

Showcase website: https://juliadata.fi/
Author website: https://twitter.com/ttsirkia?lang=fi
Published: April 14, 2020, 19:42 (UTC)
Last Updated: September 9, 2022, 12:22 (UTC)