Avoimuus (Five Stars)
Tietoaineistot arvioituna Tim Berners-Leen Five Stars of Openness -kriteeristöllä - avoin lisenssi, avoin saavutettavuus, rakenteisuus, avoin formaatti, entiteetti-URIt, linkitys.
Päivitetty: joulukuuta 3, 2024, 05:03 (UTC)
- Tähtien keskiarvo: 2.0
- Tähtiä yhteensä: 91
- Arvioidut tietoaineistot: 53 / 53
- Tähtien jakauma:
Arvioimatta Tähtiä 0 Tähtiä 1 Tähtiä 2 Tähtiä 3 Tähtiä 4 Tähtiä 5 8 0 22 0 23 0 0
Tietoaineisto | Kuvaus | Tähtiä | Reason |
Arviot pienten virtavesien luonnontilan muuttuneisuudesta (PUROHELMI-hanke) | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Asemakaavoitettu alue | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
Asuinalueet | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
ELY-keskusten poikkeamispäätökset | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
EU-rekisteri teollisten toimintojen sijoittumisesta Suomessa | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
SYKEn hakemistorajapinta | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor... | |
Harmonized Landsat satellite image mosaic timeseries - Harmonisoitu Landsat satelliittikuvamosaiikkiaikasarja | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
Harva ja tiheä taajama-alue | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
Havaitut tulva-alueet / Historic Flood Maps | 1 | This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "zip" relates to format "ZIP" and receives score: 1. | |
Historical Landsat satellite image mosaics (Href) - Historialliset Landsat-kuvamosaiikit (Href) | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Hydrologiarajapinta | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor... | |
Ilmastodieetti.fi - laskentarajapinta | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. URL extension "html" relates to format "HTML" but a score for that format is not confi... | |
Jyrkänneviivat | None | ||
Kasvillisuuden hiilivarasto 2021 | None | ||
Kasviplanktonrajapinta | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor... | |
Linnut, lintudirektiivin raportointi | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Lintualueet (FINIBA) 2006 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Luonnon virkistyskäyttömahdollisuudet Suomessa (Virgis) 2013 | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
Manner-Euroopan järvijääpeite (VIIRS) 2024– / Lake Ice Extent for the Continental Europe (VIIRS) 2024– | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Merenpohjan habitaattiluokitus Ormskärissä 2008 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Meriveden laatutietojen rajapinta BED (BNI) -formaatissa | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor... | |
Metsätaloudelle herkät vesistöt | None | ||
Natura2000 alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Nitraattidirektiivin mukaiset havaintopaikat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Pintaveden laatutietojen avoin rajapinta | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor... | |
Pohjaeläinrajapinta | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor... | |
Pohjavesialueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon järvijääpeite vuodesta 2021 alkaen / Lake Ice Extent for the Northern Hemisphere since 2021 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Potentiaalisen tulvametsän tai metsäluhdan esiintymistodennäköisyys 2021 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Putkilokasvien esiintymistodennäköisyys Ormskärissä 2008 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Rakennettu maankäyttö 2021 | None | ||
Sentinel-2 image index mosaics (S2ind) - Sentinel-2 kuvamosaiikit (S2ind) | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Sentinel-2 satellite image mosaics 2022- (S2GM) – Sentinel-2 satelliittikuvamosaiikki 2022- (S2GM) | None | ||
Sinisimpukoiden esiintymistodennäköisyys Ormskärissä 2008 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
SYKE | None | ||
Järvirajapinta | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor... | |
Tulvariskialueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Uomatietojärjestelmä | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
Väylänvarsien vieraslajit ja arvokkaat elinympäristöt | 1 | Content of file appeared to be format "ZIP" which receives openness score: 1. | |
Vedenkorkeuden mittauspisteet Pohjois-Satakunnassa 2007 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Vesienhoitoalueiden seurantapaikat, Pintavesi | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Vesienhoitoalueiden seurantapaikat, Pohjavesi | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Vesiliikenteen nopeusrajoitukset 2008 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Vesistöjen perustietovaranto | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. URL extension "html" relates to format "HTML" but a score for that format is not confi... | |
Vesipuitedirektiivin mukaiset vesimuodostumat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Vesistöjen perustietovaranto | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Virkistys- ja viheralueet 2012 | None | ||
Virkistys- ja viheralueet 2018 | None | ||
Yhdyskuntajätevesidirektiivin mukaiset jätevedenpuhdistamot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Yhdyskuntarakenteen aluejako | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
YKR Kaupunkiseudut | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
YKR-taajama | 1 | The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde... | |
Ympäristömeludirektiivin mukaiset melualueet 2017 | 1 | This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "zip" relates to format "ZIP" and receives score: 1. |