Öppenhet (Fem stjärnor)

Datamängder poängsatta efter kriterierna av Tim Berners-Lees Femstjärnemodellen – öppen licens, öppen tillgänglighet, strukturerade, öppet format, enhets-URI:er, länkning.

Genererat: april 19, 2024, 05:02 (UTC)


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Ladda ned: CSV JSON


  • Medeltal stjärnor: 2.5
  • Totalt stjärnor: 394
  • Värderade datamängder: 171 / 171
  • Fördelning av stäjrnor:
    Utan värdering Stjärnor 0 Stjärnor 1 Stjärnor 2 Stjärnor 3 Stjärnor 4 Stjärnor 5
    11 4 33 8 115 0 0
Datamängd Beskrivning Stjärnor Reason
Algaline transect measurement API 3 Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3.
Arviot pienten virtavesien luonnontilan muuttuneisuudesta (PUROHELMI-hanke) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Asemakaavoitettu alue 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Asuinalueet 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Corine maanpeite 2000 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Corine maanpeite 2006 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Corine maanpeite 2012 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Corine maanpeite 2018 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Eläinplanktontietojärjestelmä - ZPLANK None
ELY-keskusten poikkeamispäätökset 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
EU-rekisteri teollisten toimintojen sijoittumisesta Suomessa 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Hajajätevesien YSL:n mukaiset ranta-alueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
SYKEn hakemistorajapinta 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor...
Harmonisoitu Corine-maanpeiteaikasarja muutostulkintaan (20m) None
Harmonized Landsat satellite image mosaic timeseries - Harmonisoitu Landsat satelliittikuvamosaiikkiaikasarja 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Harva ja tiheä taajama-alue 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Havaitut tulva-alueet / Historic Flood Maps 1 This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "zip" relates to format "ZIP" and receives score: 1.
Hiekkarantojen ominaisuudet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Historical Landsat satellite image mosaics (Href) - Historialliset Landsat-kuvamosaiikit (Href) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Hydrologian ja vesien käytön tietojärjestelmä HYDRO 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Hydrologiarajapinta 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor...
Hydrologiset havaintopaikat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Ilmastodieetti.fi - laskentarajapinta 0 File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Server reported status error: 404 Not Found. Attempted on 18/04/2024. Tried 83...
INSPIRE - metatiedot Syken Avoin tieto-palvelussa olevalle Atom-syötteelle 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen humusaineisto (Landsat-8/9) 2016– / Daily CDOM of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Landsat-8/9) 2016– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen humusaineisto (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2016– / Daily CDOM of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2016– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen näkösyvyysaineisto (Landsat-8) 2016– / Daily Secchi depth of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Landsat-8) 2016– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen näkösyvyysaineisto (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2016– / Daily Secchi depth of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2016– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen pintalämpötila-aineisto (NOAA-AVHRR) 2004–2016 / Daily surface temperature of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (NOAA-AVHRR) 2004–2016 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen pintalämpötila-aineisto (Sentinel-3 SLSTR) 2017– / Daily surface temperature of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Sentinel-3 SLSTR) 2017– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen sameusaineisto (Landsat-8/9) 2016– / Daily turbidity of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Landsat-8/9) 2016– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien päivittäinen sameusaineisto (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2016– / Daily turbidity of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2016– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren ja Suomen järvien vuosittainen sameuskooste (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2015– / Yearly turbidity composites of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2015– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
LuTU2018 Itämeren luontotyyppien esiintymäaineistot uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Itämeren päivittäinen a-klorofylliaineisto (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 / Daily chlorophyll-a of the Baltic Sea (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren päivittäinen pintaleväaineisto (Landsat-8/9) 2017– / Daily surface algae blooms of the Baltic Sea (Landsat-8/9) 2017– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren päivittäinen pintaleväaineisto (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2017– / Daily surface algae blooms of the Baltic Sea (Sentinel-2 MSI) 2017– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren päivittäinen pintaleväaineisto (Sentinel-3 OLCI) 2017– / Daily surface algae blooms of the Baltic Sea (Sentinel-3 OLCI) 2017– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren päivittäinen sameusaineisto (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 / Daily turbidity of the Baltic Sea (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren vesikasvillisuuden peittoala Suomessa ja Ruotsissa kesällä 2019/ Coverage of aquatic vegetation in Finland and Sweden in the Baltic Sea in summer 2019. 0 Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0.
Itämeren vuosittainen a-klorofyllin geometrinen keskiarvo (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 / Yearly geometric mean of chlorophyll-a in the Baltic Sea (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren vuosittainen a-klorofyllin geometrinen keskiarvo (Sentinel-3 OLCI) 2016– / Yearly geometric mean of chlorophyll-a in the Baltic Sea (Sentinel-3 OLCI) 2016– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren vuosittainen leväkooste (Aqua MODIS) 2012–2016 / Yearly algae composites of the Baltic Sea (Aqua MODIS) 2012–2016 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren vuosittainen leväkooste (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 / Yearly algae composites of the Baltic Sea (Envisat MERIS) 2003–2011 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Itämeren vuosittainen leväkooste (Sentinel-3, Sentinel-2 & Landsat-8/9) 2017– / Yearly algae composites of the Baltic Sea (Sentinel-3, Sentinel-2 & Landsat-8/9) 2017– 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Järvien ja jokien luotauspisteet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Järvien ja jokien syvyysaineisto 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Järvirekisteri 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Järvirekisteri / Säännöstelyhankkeet 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
LuTU2018 Kallioiden ja kivikoiden luontotyyppien esiintymäaineistot uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Kasviplanktonrajapinta 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor...
Kasviplanktontietojärjestelmä - KPLANK 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Kaupunki-maaseutu-luokitus (YKR) 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Keskustat ja kaupan alueet 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
Koskiensuojelulailla suojellut vesistöt 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Lajit, luontodirektiivin raportointi 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Liikennealueiden ympäristöriskiluokitus 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Linnut, lintudirektiivin raportointi 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Luonnonmuistomerkit 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
Luonnonsuojelu- ja erämaa-alueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Luonnonsuojeluohjelma-alueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Luonnon virkistyskäyttömahdollisuudet Suomessa (Virgis) 2013 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Luontotyypit, luontodirektiivin raportointi 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Maanpeite 2 m 2022 ja jatkojaloste kasvillisuuden korkeudella 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Maanpeite soilla ja rantakosteikoilla 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Maastoliikenteen rajoitusalueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Maisemamaakuntajako 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
Maisemanhoitoalueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Merenhoidon aluejako 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Merenpohjan habitaattiluokitus Ormskärissä 2008 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Meristrategiadirektiivin mukaiset havaintopaikat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Meriveden laatutietojen rajapinta BED (BNI) -formaatissa 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor...
Metsäkasvillisuusvyöhykkeet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
LuTU2018 Metsien erikoistyyppien esiintymäaineistot uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Monimuotoisuudelle tärkeät metsäalueet / High biodiversity value forests 2018 (Zonation) (FIN, ENG, SWE) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3.
Monthly CDOM values from ERGOM 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Monthly CDOM values from S3 OLCI 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
NÄKÖSYVYYS (VELMU) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3.
Natura2000 alueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Nitraattidirektiivin mukaiset havaintopaikat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Piilevätietojärjestelmä - PIIRE None
Pintaveden laatutietojen avoin rajapinta 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor...
Pintavesien tilan tietojärjestelmä, vedenlaatu - VESLA 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Pohjaeläinrajapinta 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor...
Pohjaeläintietojärjestelmä POHJE 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Pohjavesialueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon järvijääpeite vuodesta 2021 alkaen / Lake Ice Extent for the Northern Hemisphere since 2021 0 Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0.
Pohjois-Euroopan järvijääpeite vuodesta 2017 alkaen / Lake Ice Extent for the Northern Europe since 2017 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Pohjois- ja Keski-Euroopan lumenpeittoala 2014 alkaen / Fractional Snow Cover for the Northern and Central Europe since 2014 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Poronhoidon häiriöalueet None
Poronhoitoalueiden laidunluokitus 0 File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Server reported status error: 500 Internal Server Error. Attempted on 18/04/20...
Potentiaalisen tulvametsän tai metsäluhdan esiintymistodennäköisyys 2021 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Rakennussuojelu 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Ranta10 - rantaviiva 1:10 000 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Saaristoluokitus None
Saaristomeren kokonaisfosforiaineistot (Sentinel-2 & Landsat-8/9) 2018-2022 /  Total phosphorus of the Archipelago Sea 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Satelliittikuvamosaiikki (Image2000) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Satelliittikuvamosaiikki (Image2006) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Satelliittikuvamosaiikki (Image2012) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Satelliittikuvamosaiikki (Image2017) None
Sentinel-2 image index mosaics (S2ind) - Sentinel-2 kuvamosaiikit (S2ind) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Sentinel-2 satellite image mosaics 2017-2021 (S2GM) – Sentinel-2 satelliittikuvamosaiikki 2017-2021 (S2GM) None
Sentinel-2 satellite image mosaics 2022- (S2GM) – Sentinel-2 satelliittikuvamosaiikki 2022- (S2GM) None
Serpentiinikalliot ja -kivikot 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Siltojen korkeudet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
LuTU2018 Sisävesien ja rantojen luontotyyppien esiintymäaineistot uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Soidensuojelun täydennysehdotus ja valtionmaan toteutuneet kohteet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Suokasvillisuusvyöhykkeet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Suomen ekologisesti merkittävät vedenalaiset meriluontoalueet (EMMA) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Suomen luontotyyppien uhanalaisuusarviointi 2018 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
Suomen rannikon ja järvien päivittäinen tarkan resoluution pintalämpötila-aineisto (Landsat-8/9, 100 m) / Daily high resolution water surface temperature of Finnish coast and lakes (Landsat-8/9, 100 m) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke AlueidenHallintaJaRajoitukset1 WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke AlueidenHallintaJaRajoitukset2 WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke AlueidenHallintaJaRajoitukset3 WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke ElinymparistotJaBiotoopit WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke EliomaantieteellisetAlueet WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Geologia WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Hydrografia WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Järvirajapinta 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "JSON/REST" does not cor...
Syke Korkeus WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke LajienLevinneisyys1 WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke LajienLevinneisyys2 WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Luonnonriskialueet WCS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Luonnonriskialueet WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Maanpeite WCS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Maanpeite WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syken Avoin tieto-palvelun tiedostolatauspalvelu 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Syken INSPIRE-tietotuotteiden (GML) tiedostolatauspalvelu (Atom) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Ortoilmakuvat WCS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke Ortoilmakuvat WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke SuojellutAlueet WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke TuotantoJaTeollisuuslaitokset WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke VaestonTerveysJaTurvallisuus WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke YleishyodyllisetPalvelut1 WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Syke YmparistontilanSeuranta WMS 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Tulvariskialueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Tulvavaaravyöhykkeet, perusskenaariot / Flood hazard zones, basic scenarios 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Tunturialueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
LuTU2018 Tunturiluontotyyppien esiintymäaineistot uhanalaisuusarvioinnissa, Metsähallitus 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Uimavesidirektiivin mukaiset uimavedet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Uomatietojärjestelmä 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Uomaverkosto 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaat kallioalueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaat kivikot 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaat maisema-alueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaat moreenimuodostumat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaat tuuli- ja rantakerrostumat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Valtion muut suojelualueet 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
Valuma-aluejako 1990 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Väylänvarsien vieraslajit ja arvokkaat elinympäristöt 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Vesienhoitoalueet 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Vesienhoitoalueiden seurantapaikat, Pintavesi 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Vesienhoitoalueiden seurantapaikat, Pohjavesi 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Vesistöjen perustietovaranto 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. URL extension "html" relates to format "HTML" but a score for that format is not confi...
Vesipuitedirektiivin mukaiset vesimuodostumat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Vesipuitedirektiivin mukaiset vesimuodostumat 3. suunnittelukausi 1 This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "zip" relates to format "ZIP" and receives score: 1.
Vesistöjen perustietovaranto 3 Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3.
Virkistys- ja viheralueet 2012 None
Virkistys- ja viheralueet 2018 None
Virtavesien lohikalakannat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Yhdyskuntajätevesidirektiivin mukaiset jätevedenpuhdistamot 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.
Yhdyskuntarakenteen vyöhykkeet 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
Yhdyskuntarakenteen vyöhykkeet 2010 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
Yhdyskuntarakenteen vyöhykkeet 2015 2 Content of file appeared to be format "SHP" which receives openness score: 2.
YKR-aluejaot 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
YKR Kaupunkiseudut 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
YKR-taajama 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field is blank. Could not unde...
Ympäristömeludirektiivin mukaiset melualueet 2007 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Ympäristömeludirektiivin mukaiset melualueet 2012 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Ympäristömeludirektiivin mukaiset melualueet 2017 3 Content of file appeared to be format "Atom Feed" which receives openness score: 3.