This dataset provides statistics on population form Statistical Yearbook of Helsinki.
- Helsinki´s population
- Population by age and sex
- Population and population projection by district and City sub-district
- Population by age in districts and City sub-districts
- Population by language
- Population by language and age
- Population by citizenship
- Persons having received a Finnish citizenship, by mother tongue
- Population by former citizenship
- Population by religious affiliation
- Population by birthplace and age
- Population by age
- Population in the Helsinki Region
- Dwelling households by number of occupants
- Families by type and age of children
- Population and vital statistics
- Population changes by district
- Marriages and divorces
- Age-specific fertility rates
- Births
- Deaths
- Live births and deaths
- Deaths by age and sex
- Life expectancy (average expectation of remaining lifetime)
- Migration
- Migration by age and sex
- Direction of migration
- Internal migration by county
- Migration between Helsinki and the other municipalities in the Helsinki Region
- 16 year old migrants by level of education