Opening times of the city libraries of Vantaa

The statistics show the number of opening hours of the Vantaa City Library by location and year starting from 2007. In 2014, when self-service library operations started, a new column was added to the dataset, showing the library’s opening hours when the library staff is not present.

The Mikkola Library was closed on 1 June 2013, and the patient library at Katriina Hospital was closed on 10 September 2014.

Because of renovations or indoor air problems, the Pänkinärinne library was closed almost the whole of 2016 and the whole of 2017.


  • toimipaikka / location
  • vuosi / year
  • aukiolo, henkilökunta paikalla, tuntia / opening hours, staff present, hours
  • aukiolo, henkilökunta ei paikalla, tuntia / opening hours, staff not present, hours


Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Vantaan kaupunkikulttuurin ja hyvinvoinnin toimiala
Maintainer email
Maintainer website
Geographical coverage
Update frequency
Last modified 17.05.2024
Show change log
Created on 26.02.2014