Tulikartta.fi – Tulentekopaikat kartalla

Tulikartta.fi offers information about campfire sites in Finland. You can search for a specific campfire site or look at all the options on a map. The service shows all kinds of campfire sites from wilderness huts to individual campfire spots.

You can find Tulikartta.fi also from AppStore. Tulikartta.fi uses open data from the university of Jyväskylä.

The service is only available in Finnish.

  1. 2020-04-27-082421.480244tulikartta.fi.JPG
  2. 2020-04-27-082421.525067tulikarttamaakunnat.JPG
  3. 2020-04-27-082421.565125tulikarttaporontima.JPG

Used datasets

Additional Info

Showcase website: https://www.tulikartta.fi/
Published: April 27, 2020, 08:24 (UTC)
Last Updated: September 9, 2022, 12:22 (UTC)