Number of students and student work years at Varia trade school in Vantaa

The data for 2012–2017 contains data by field of study on students in curriculum-based education leading to a vocational upper secondary qualification, students in education preparing for an adult competence-based qualification (vocational qualification) and student work years in apprenticeship training. Since the division into fields of study does not apply any more, the data for the years 2018-2021 is only at the total level.

From 2022 onwards, the data is available only from the Vipunen service maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education. Varia's information can be obtained by filtering: open the Excel below and select Vantaa Ammattiopisto Varia as the educational institution.

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Collection Open Data
Maintainer Vantaan kasvatuksen ja oppimisen toimiala
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Last modified 27.09.2023
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Created on 10.04.2014