Espoo outdoor routes are divided into a cycling map and Rantaraitti (Espoo's Waterfront Walkway).
The information fields on the cycling map are more comprehensive, and it also includes Rantaraitti's paths. The route hierarchy levels describe the cycle route hierarchy defined by the Espoo City Planning Centre. The most important cycle routes are light traffic routes, followed by quality routes and then regional, main and sub-regional routes. The cycle map data has been collected partly by automation, so there may be gaps and errors in the data, which are gradually being corrected.
The material can be viewed on the city of Espoo map service:
Coordinate systems:
- Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)
API address:
- GIS:Pyöräilykartta (cycling map)
- GIS:Rantaraitti (Espoo's Waterfront Walkway)
GIS:Pyöräilykartta: attributes, data types and translation:
- Aputieto (string): Auxiliary Information
- AputietoKoodi (int): Auxiliary Information code
- Kadunnimi (string): Name of the street
- Kunnossapitaja (string): Maintenance operator
- KunnossapitajaKoodi (int): Maintenance operator code
- Pintamateriaali (string): Surface material
- PintamateriaaliKoodi (string): Surface material code
- PyorailyAjoradalla_Text (string): Cycling allowed on the track
- PyorailyAjoradallaKoodi (int): Cycling allowed on the track code
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_1 (int):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_2 (int):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_3 (int):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_4 (int):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_5 (int):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_Text1 (string):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_Text2 (string):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_Text3 (string):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_Text4 (string):
- PyorailynReittihierarkia_Text5 (string):
- PyorareitinSuojatie_Text (string):
- PyorareitinSuojatieKoodi (int):
- StreetPartId (string):
- Talvikunnossapito (string): Level of winter maintenance
- TalvikunnossapitoKoodi (int): Winter Maintenance code
- Taso (string): Level, if underpass or overpass
- ToiminnallinenLuokka (string): Function of the road
- ToiminnallinenLuokkaKoodi (string): Function of the road code
GIS:Rantaraitti: attributes, data types and translation:
- INFO (string): Info
- RANTARAITTILAJI (string): Type, if illuminated, accessible etc.